Friday, April 10, 2015

Speed up TFTP transfer

We recently upgraded an ISR router at a remote site. The new code is very large and TFTP transfer took a long time. Pathping shows the the RRT is high and that might contributed to the slowness. After a little bit digging, it appears the TFTP program is using default block size of 512. This value can be increase to 8192:
R1(config)#ip tftp blocksize 8192
The TFTP program will also need to increase the block size accordingly.
Here is a comparison before and after the block size increase:

Destination filename [isr4400-universalk9.03.11.01.S.154-1.S1-std.SPA.bin]?
353459684 bytes copied in 7307.911 secs (48367 bytes/sec)

Destination filename [isr4400-universalk9.03.11.01.S.154-1.S1-std.SPA.bin]?
353459684 bytes copied in 530.383 secs (666423 bytes/sec)