Intergrate Xshell 7 with EVE-NG
If you don't have Secure-CRT, use Xshell as an alternative to have multiple Telnet sessions in one window.
1. Download and install Xshell.
2. Copy the text below into a notepad, update the Xshell version number accordingly - current version is 7and, save the txt file as "Xshell.reg".
@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NetSarang\\Xshell 7\\Xshell.exe, 0"
@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NetSarang\\Xshell 7\\Xshell.exe\" %1"
@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NetSarang\\Xshell 7\\Xshell.exe\" %1"
3. Double click the Xshell.reg to update your Windows Registry.
4. Reference this video to change the Windows Default App setting for Telnet to use Xshell.
5. You are almost done. If your Xshell session looks like this and you wish the session title to reflect device name:
Right click on the blue session title and select "Show Terminal Title".