Monday, November 11, 2013

Fractal Geometry is Cool and Beautiful

Fractals: Hunting the Hidden Dimension

Amazing fractal garden by Silvia Cordedda

Tennis Ball Car Stopper for My Garage

My wife got a new van and it barely fits in our garage. To avoid the van hitting the cabinets in the garage, I set up this old fasion tennis ball car stopper with the material in my garage. There are other options you can find here:

Monday, June 24, 2013

OpenNMS - Err_Disable Alert for Cisco

Another task on OpenNMS with help of Rob Coote and Alejandro Galue:

1. Add following xml file ( to /opennms/etc/events directory:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
 <event-label>CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB defined trap event: clogMessageGenerated-Warning (ERR_DISABLE)</event-label>  <descr>&lt;p&gt;When a syslog message is generated by the device a  clogMessageGenerated notification is sent.  The  sending of these notifications can be enabled/disabled  via the clogNotificationsEnabled object.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;table&gt;  &lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;b&gt;  clogHistFacility&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;%parm[#1]%
 emergency(1) alert(2) critical(3) error(4) warning(5) notice(6) info(7) debug(8)&lt;/p&gt;  &lt;/td;&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;b&gt;
 <logmsg dest='logndisplay'>&lt;p&gt;Cisco Event: SYSLOG Notification: %parm[#4]%.&lt;/p&gt;</logmsg>


2. Add "<event-file>events/</event-file>" to /opennms/etc/eventconf.xml as shown below:


3. Issue following command to refresh the change: /opt/opennms/bin/

4. From WebUI, go go Admin/Configure Notifications/Add New Event Notification, select "Cisco-SYSLOG-MIB defined trap event:" and configure the alert

Note: Here is another version of, which will do the same job, except it does not provide interface information:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
-<events xmlns=""> -<event> -<mask> -<maskelement> <mename>id</mename> <mevalue>.</mevalue> </maskelement> -<maskelement> <mename>generic</mename> <mevalue>6</mevalue> </maskelement> -<maskelement> <mename>specific</mename> <mevalue>1</mevalue> </maskelement> </mask> <uei></uei> <event-label>CISCO-ERR-DISABLE-MIB defined trap event: cErrDisableInterfaceEvent</event-label> <descr> <p>The cErrDisableInterfaceEvent is generated when an interface or {interface, vlan} is error-disabled by the feature specified in cErrDisableIfStatusCause. cErrDisableInterfaceEvent is deprecated and replaced by cErrDisableInterfaceEventRev1.</p><table> <tr><td><b> cErrDisableIfStatusCause</b></td><td> %parm[#1]%;</td><td><p> udld(1) bpduGuard(2) channelMisconfig(3) pagpFlap(4) dtpFlap(5) linkFlap(6) l2ptGuard(7) dot1xSecurityViolation(8) portSecurityViolation(9) gbicInvalid(10) dhcpRateLimit(11) unicastFlood(12) vmps(13) stormControl(14) inlinePower(15) arpInspection(16) portLoopback(17) packetBuffer(18) macLimit(19) linkMonitorFailure(20) oamRemoteFailure(21) dot1adIncompEtype(22) dot1adIncompTunnel(23) sfpConfigMismatch(24) communityLimit(25) invalidPolicy(26) lsGroup(27) ekey(28) portModeFailure(29) pppoeIaRateLimit(30) oamRemoteCriticalEvent(31) oamRemoteDyingGasp(32) oamRemoteLinkFault(33) mvrp(34) tranceiverIncomp(35) </p></td></tr></table> </descr> <logmsg dest="logndisplay"><p> cErrDisableInterfaceEvent trap received cErrDisableIfStatusCause=%parm[#1]%</p> </logmsg> <severity>Indeterminate</severity> -<varbindsdecode> <parmid>parm[#1]</parmid> <decode varbinddecodedstring="udld" varbindvalue="1"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="bpduGuard" varbindvalue="2"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="channelMisconfig" varbindvalue="3"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="pagpFlap" varbindvalue="4"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="dtpFlap" varbindvalue="5"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="linkFlap" varbindvalue="6"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="l2ptGuard" varbindvalue="7"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="dot1xSecurityViolation" varbindvalue="8"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="portSecurityViolation" varbindvalue="9"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="gbicInvalid" varbindvalue="10"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="dhcpRateLimit" varbindvalue="11"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="unicastFlood" varbindvalue="12"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="vmps" varbindvalue="13"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="stormControl" varbindvalue="14"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="inlinePower" varbindvalue="15"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="arpInspection" varbindvalue="16"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="portLoopback" varbindvalue="17"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="packetBuffer" varbindvalue="18"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="macLimit" varbindvalue="19"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="linkMonitorFailure" varbindvalue="20"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="oamRemoteFailure" varbindvalue="21"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="dot1adIncompEtype" varbindvalue="22"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="dot1adIncompTunnel" varbindvalue="23"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="sfpConfigMismatch" varbindvalue="24"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="communityLimit" varbindvalue="25"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="invalidPolicy" varbindvalue="26"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="lsGroup" varbindvalue="27"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="ekey" varbindvalue="28"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="portModeFailure" varbindvalue="29"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="pppoeIaRateLimit" varbindvalue="30"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="oamRemoteCriticalEvent" varbindvalue="31"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="oamRemoteDyingGasp" varbindvalue="32"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="oamRemoteLinkFault" varbindvalue="33"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="mvrp" varbindvalue="34"/> <decode varbinddecodedstring="tranceiverIncomp" varbindvalue="35"/> </varbindsdecode> </event>

Note: Here is a link for more error disabled information on Cisco IOS devices:

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

OpenNMS - Interface Bandwidth Threshold

One of the tasks I have received is to set up email alert if a particular interface's bandwidth utilization is over certain threshold. If you are new to the application like me, this could be a difficult task. With some help and Google search, here are the steps and hope this will be helpful for someone out there:

1. Change directory to /opt/opennms/etc, and add following to "threshd-configuration.xml" - '.' is for Cisco, and you might need to change it accordingly for other vendor's gear :

<package name="bandwidth-threshold">
        <filter>IPADDR != '' &amp; (nodeSysOID LIKE '.' )</filter>
        <include-range begin="" end=""/>
        <include-range begin="::1" end="ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"/>
        <service name="SNMP" interval="300000" user-defined="false" status="on">
            <parameter key="thresholding-group" value="bandwidth-threshold"/>

2. Add following to "thresholds.xml" - this will create ingress and egress threshold and rearm setting. If 80% of the interface bandwidth is reached, will trigger the alert and rearm if it drops down to 60%.

 <group name="bandwidth-threshold" rrdRepository="/opt/opennms/share/rrd/snmp/">
        <expression type="high" ds-type="if" value="80.0" rearm="60.0"
            trigger="1" ds-label="snmpifdescr"
            filterOperator="or" expression="8 * ifHCInOctets / 1000000 / ifHighSpeed * 100">
            <resource-filter field="snmpifalias">.* #$</resource-filter>
        <expression type="high" ds-type="if" value="80.0" rearm="60.0"
            trigger="1" ds-label="snmpifdescr"
            filterOperator="or" expression="8 * ifHCOutOctets / 1000000 / ifHighSpeed * 100.0">
            <resource-filter field="snmpifalias">.* #$</resource-filter>
3. You should have a "collectd-configuration.xml" file already. If not, here is a sample:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<collectd-configuration threads="50">
    <package name="example1">
        <filter>IPADDR != ''</filter>
        <include-range begin="" end=""/>
        <include-range begin="::1" end="ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"/>
        <service name="SNMP" interval="300000" user-defined="false" status="on">
            <parameter key="collection" value="default"/>
            <parameter key="thresholding-enabled" value="true"/>
        <service name="WMI" interval="300000" user-defined="false" status="off">
            <parameter key="collection" value="default"/>
            <parameter key="thresholding-enabled" value="true"/>
        <service name="OpenNMS-JVM" interval="300000"
            user-defined="false" status="on">
            <parameter key="port" value="18980"/>
            <parameter key="retry" value="2"/>
            <parameter key="timeout" value="3000"/>
            <parameter key="protocol" value="rmi"/>
            <parameter key="urlPath" value="/jmxrmi"/>
            <parameter key="rrd-base-name" value="java"/>
            <parameter key="ds-name" value="opennms-jvm"/>
            <parameter key="friendly-name" value="opennms-jvm"/>
            <parameter key="collection" value="jsr160"/>
            <parameter key="thresholding-enabled" value="true"/>
  <collector service="SNMP" class-name="org.opennms.netmgt.collectd.SnmpCollector"/>
    <collector service="WMI" class-name="org.opennms.netmgt.collectd.WmiCollector"/>
    <collector service="OpenNMS-JVM" class-name="org.opennms.netmgt.collectd.Jsr160Collector"/>
4. Here is a sample of "poller-configuration.xml" that you might already have:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<poller-configuration xmlns=""
    threads="30" nextOutageId="SELECT nextval('outageNxtId')"
    serviceUnresponsiveEnabled="false" xmlrpc="false" pathOutageEnabled="true">
    <node-outage status="on" pollAllIfNoCriticalServiceDefined="true">
        <critical-service name="ICMP"/>
    <package name="example1">
        <filter>IPADDR != ''</filter>
        <include-range begin="" end=""/>
        <include-range begin="::1" end="ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"/>
        <rrd step="300">
   <service name="ICMP" interval="300000" user-defined="false" status="on">
            <parameter key="retry" value="2"/>
            <parameter key="timeout" value="3000"/>
            <parameter key="rrd-repository" value="/opt/opennms/share/rrd/response"/>
            <parameter key="rrd-base-name" value="icmp"/>
            <parameter key="ds-name" value="icmp"/>
            <parameter key="thresholding-enabled" value="true"/>
  <service name="SNMP" interval="300000" user-defined="false" status="on">
            <parameter key="port" value="161"/>
            <parameter key="oid" value="."/>

  <monitor service="ICMP" class-name="org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.IcmpMonitor"/>
  <monitor service="SMTP" class-name="org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.SmtpMonitor"/>
5. Change directory to Events and add following to "":

        <event-label>User-defined threshold event</event-label>
        <descr>Threshold exceeded for %service% datasource %parm[ds]% on interface %interface%, parms: %parm[all]</descr>
        <logmsg dest="logndisplay">Threshold exceeded for %service% datasource %parm[ds]% on interface %interface%, parms: %parm[all]%</logmsg>
        <event-label>User-defined threshold event</event-label>
        <descr>Threshold rearmed for %service% datasource %parm[ds]% on interface %interface%, parms: %parm[all]</descr>
        <logmsg dest="logndisplay">Threshold rearmed for %service% datasource %parm[ds]% on interface %interface%, parms: %parm[all]%</logmsg>
        <event-label>User-defined threshold event</event-label>
        <descr>Threshold exceeded for %service% datasource %parm[ds]% on interface %interface%, parms: %parm[all]</descr>
        <logmsg dest="logndisplay">Threshold exceeded for %service% datasource %parm[ds]% on interface %interface%, parms: %parm[all]%</logmsg>
        <event-label>User-defined threshold event</event-label>
        <descr>Threshold rearmed for %service% datasource %parm[ds]% on interface %interface%, parms: %parm[all]</descr>
        <logmsg dest="logndisplay">Threshold rearmed for %service% datasource %parm[ds]% on interface %interface%, parms: %parm[all]%</logmsg>
6. Restart Opennms:
service opennms stop
service opennms start

7. You can change some of the threshold setting from WebUI's Admin section:
     a. Under Operation, click Manage Thresholds/bandwidth-threshold, and select Edit
     b. Scroll to the right and click Edit
     c. The value of 80.0 and 60.0 are percentage of the interface bandwidth. Trigger value is the interval of scan.  The Reqular Expression controls which interface will be monitored and you will have to add a description to the interface and the description will need to be ended with a "#".

8. From Admin section, click on Configure Notifications, and then Add New Notification:

9. From the long list of Events, select the one you've added in step 5.
10. Assume you have reset of notification already configured, such as destination path. Here is a sample of notification message:

Friday, April 5, 2013

Switching Cisco Aironet AP between Autonomous Mode and Lightweight Mode
To use Wireless LAN Controllers manage older Cisco Aironet AP, such as Air-AP1231, you will need to convert it to lightweight mode. Occasionally, you will need to convert it back to autonomous mode and then reconvert it to lightweight mode if the AP constantly reboots itself and following message shows up in the console session:
*Mar  1 00:00:27.657: %LWAPP-3-CLIENTERRORLOG: LWAPP Crypto Init: could not start PKI session
*Mar  1 00:00:27.658: %LWAPP-3-CLIENTERRORLOG: Failed to initialize Crypto. Rebooting
*Mar  1 00:00:27.823: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by CAPWAP CLIENT. Reload Reason: FAILED CRYPTO INIT.
*Mar  1 00:00:27.828: %LWAPP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DOWNXmodem file system is available.

Here is a list of software you will need to perform the tasks:
·         CiscoAironet-AP-to-LWAPP-Upgrade-Tool-v34.exe
·         TFTP server
·         LWAPP Recovery Image: c1200-rcvk9w8-tar.124-21a.JA2.tar
·         Supported IOS Image: c1200-k9w7-tar.123-7.JA1.tar
Here is the step to covert the AP to Lightweight mode:
1.       Install the Upgrade tool
2.       Connect the autonomous AP to network and get its IP. Make sure the AP is running the IOS image mentioned above.
3.       Create a text file with following content: “,Cisco,Cisco,Cisco” without the quotation mark. Replace the IP address here with the AP’s IP. The sample file I used here is called “ap-file.txt”
4.       Launch the upgrading tool and fill in required field, where IP File is the text file contains AP’s IP; Select “Use Upgrade Tool TFTP Server” and points to the LWAPP image; The System IP Addr is your local machine’s IP address; Enter WLC’s IP, and credential that can add AP to controller; Select “Use Controller Time”; Click Start. The conversion process could take a few minutes. Click on Detailed Log for progress.

5.       Make sure your security policy on WLC allows the AP to join. Once it is done, you should be able to find the AP on your controller.

To convert the AP back to autonomous mode:
1.       Assign your machine with a static IP:, and connect it to a spare switch.
2.       Rename the IOS image to c1200-k9w7-tar.default , save it to the TFTP program’s root folder, and launch the TFTP program. Make sure “default” is the image extension – check your Folder Display Option.
3.       Plug the AP into the same VLAN port as your machine, hold the Mode button, and power on the AP.
4.       Wait the status LED turn to RED, not amber, and release the mode button. The AP will assign to itself and download the IOS image.

Here is a reference doc from Cisco:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

ASIC to switch port mapping / oversubscription

Interface/Module Connectivity Problems

Connectivity Problem or Packet Loss with WS-X6548-GE-TX and WS-X6148-GE-TX Modules used in a Server Farm

When you use either the WS-X6548-GE-TX or WS-X6148-GE-TX modules, there is a possibility that individual port utilization can lead to connectivity problems or packet loss on the surrounding interfaces. Especially when you use EtherChannel and Remote Switched Port Analyzer (RSPAN) in these line cards, you can potentially see the slow response due to packet loss. These line cards are oversubscription cards that are designed to extend gigabit to the desktop and might not be ideal for server farm connectivity. On these modules there is a single 1-Gigabit Ethernet uplink from the port ASIC that supports eight ports. These cards share a 1 Mb buffer between a group of ports (1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, and 41-48) since each block of eight ports is 8:1 oversubscribed. The aggregate throughput of each block of eight ports cannot exceed 1 Gbps. Table 4 in the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series 10/100- & 10/100/1000-Mbps Ethernet Interface Modules shows the different types of Ethernet interface modules and the supported buffer size per port.
Oversubscription happens due to multiple ports combined into a single Pinnacle ASIC. The Pinnacle ASIC is a direct memory access (DMA) engine that transfers packets between backplane switching bus and the network ports. If any port in this range receives or transmits traffic at a rate that exceeds its bandwidth or utilizes a large amount of buffers to handle bursts of traffic, the other ports in the same range can potentially experience packet loss. The buffer assignment on these modules is documented in Buffers, Queues & Thresholds on Catalyst 6500 Ethernet Modules.

For WS-X6748-GE-TX module, use following command to find out ASIC to switch port mapping:

Switch1#show interfaces capabilities module 3
  Model:                 WS-X6748-GE-TX
  Type:                  10/100/1000BaseT
  Speed:                 10,100,1000,auto
  Duplex:                half,full
  Ports-in-ASIC (Sub-port ASIC) : 1-24 (1-12) <------ First 24 ports on one fabric, of which, the first half of the ports maps to one ASIC and the other half maps to the second ASIC. Combined with the output below, 20G bandwidth for each of the two fabric on the module or 10G shared per 12 ports. 

  Remote switch uplink:  no
  Port-Security:         yes
  Dot1x:                 yes

Switch1#sh fabric status
 slot  channel speed module   fabric   hotStandby  Standby  Standby
                     status   status      support  module   fabric
    3        0   20G     OK       OK   Y(not-hot) 
    3        1   20G     OK       OK   Y(not-hot)
    4        0   20G     OK       OK   Y(not-hot)
    4        1   20G     OK       OK   Y(not-hot)
    5        0   20G     OK       OK          N/A
    5        1   20G     OK       OK          N/A